Avocado’s Are Great For Your Heart

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Did you know New Zealand avocado’s are FULL of ‘good fats’ and great for your heart – but what does that mean?

Studies show that ‘bad’, saturated fats from food like – fatty meats, dairy, snacks & sweets containing poor Cholesterol LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) which can increase risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney failure.

SO by eating ‘good’, natural fatty foods that are also nutrient dense like avocado’s, , beans, tofu, macadamia nuts & salmon introduce a healthy level of unsaturated fats and good Cholesterol HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), which help to improve your blood circulation, reduces stress & helps to care for a healthy heart!

Also research from the American Heart Institute says Eating avocados helps to control a healthy weight. While also having vitamin C that helps to repair the body, Vitamin K that helps with blood health And vitamin B6 that helps boost your immunity. Read the full article CLICK HERE

Keep this in mind next time you are at the supermarket – make a habit to not get the ‘bad fat foods’ and fill your trolley with ‘good fat foods’ like our New Zealand avocados and you can enjoy a better, healthier, active & longer life!

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