Ace your routine with post-workout food
03 / Mar / 2017 by NZ AVOCADO
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Not all food we have workout pull off the best from our hard work. Our bodies lose some minerals and glycogen during the time we train and we need them back to rebuild our parts. That is why we should be mindful of what we take in. However, being mindful does not mean dull taste. Let’s take a look at some yummy food for post-workout that you can find easily in any supermarket.
- Yoghurt
Yoghurt is high in protein, carbohydrate, and good amount of necessary fat. Always pick a natural flavor one to avoid added sugar. Not familiar with the natural sourness? Adding some favorite fruits of your choice or low-sugar granola for taste doesn’t hurt.
- Eggs
Egg is a source of vitamins and minerals and is high in protein and easy to digest. Amino acid in egg helps repair damaged cells after the workout. The best way to eat eggs after workout is mixing five egg white with one egg yolk. That means we can enjoy an omelet! Make sure you cook it with small amount of oil. Don’t forget to spice up your dish with slices of avocado as a good source of unsaturated fat that promotes vitamin A, D, E, and K absorption ability of our bodies.
- Nuts
Take it all in! This delicious filling snack is a hands down post-workout food to go with. As you work out, your body starts to deplete the levels of glucose in your blood, and must turn to glycogen – carbohydrates stored in your liver and muscle tissue – to fuel your movement. A 4-to-1 carb-to-protein snack speeds the uptake of glycogen back into your muscles and initiates muscle building. Try a mix of nuts like cashew nuts and almonds with dried cranberries. Thank me later.
- Avocado
As a source of phytonutrients, antioxidants, good fat and fiber, avocado comes with great taste. Its nutrients help with recovery because it is a crucial component of your training. Get your muscle back stronger at its full potential by having avocado alone or with omelet or a slice of toast to show your self some love.
- Greens and fruits
Freshness is what I love from greens and fruit. But more important things to think about rather than its taste is dietary nutrients such as, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and other minerals, especially iron which is really good for fitness enthusiasts. So next time you finish your workout, grab some light meal with spinach, kale, or zucchini and other green veggies. If time is not on your side, apple or banana are also a good option.
Now it’s time to get some good food for your better recovery. Remember, one small change leads to a big different result. Hope to see you happy with good food for good health starting from now.